proof of christ

His Proof

Philippe Paquette

Where are the Proofs of Christ?

Proof is incompatible with FAITH… so… we have to say, there are no proofs. But we have tons and tons of Science.
A number of years ago, I met a most extraordinary individual.  His name was Charles Colson.  At one point in his life, Colson was a Senior Advisor to President Richard Nixon.  Colson was also part of a group of 7 Senior Executives advising to the President on all issues, at all times.


When the _Washington Post_ started their articles on the illegal activities of the Republican Party (Watergate), Nixon and his 7 “Executive Supermen” (as in powerful) agreed to cover their lies about their involvement in Watergate and deny any wrongdoing.  This is a very exclusive club. The 8 most powerful men on earth.

Within a period of 2 weeks, some of those individuals started breaking down admitting to their criminal activities.

The 8 most powerful men on earth could not keep a lie for more than 2 weeks.




When Jesus rose from the dead, scripture tells us that he was seen by over 500 witnesses.  These simple and poor men and women, many of them simple fishermen clung to their testimony that indeed they had seen the Risen Lord.  Actually, many of them were faced with the choice of either denying that they were witnesses of seeing Jesus risen or face brutal and dramatic painful deaths at the hand of their persecutors. They were convinced of the truth and died for their testimony.  Why would so many die for a lie?  Nothing to gain in this… Yet, they stood firm until their last breath.

Compare both scenarios.  On one hand, the 7 most powerful men on earth could not keep a lie for more than a few days.  On the other, hundreds of simple folks died burned at the stakes for maintaining their conviction that Jesus had risen from death.  They had seen Him. It is our view that these early Christians are one of the many compelling proofs regarding the truth about Jesus.

Other than these credible and solid witnesses, there are many prophecies regarding Jesus that confirm that He truly was the Messiah that was announced centuries earlier.  It would be scientifically impossible to predict so many specific elements with 100% accuracy by accident or coincidence.

Let’s just look at a few of these prophecies:

  1. He was to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4, 5, 6, 7) and was to be born of a young woman who would be a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21, 22, 23 and Luc 1:26 to 35).
  2. Someone else would come before him and cry out his divine calling as the “Lamb of God”.  That was foretold and it actually happened with John the Baptist, (Isaiah 40: 3, 4, 5; Malachi 3:1 / Matthew 3:1-3; 11:10; Mark 1:2-3; Luke 7:27).
  3. Prophets said of this coming Messiah that he would perform many miraculous deeds.  This, Jesus did. (Isaiah 35: 5-6 and in the 4 Gospels).
  4. It was foretold that the true Messiah would enter the Holy City of Jerusalem on a Donkey 475 years from the day Jerusalem received its decree to rebuild.  That decree, based on scientific research, was given on March 16th, 445 BC.  Jesus entered on a Donkey in that same City exactly 475 years later.  (Daniel 8:25; Matthew 21: 4 to 9; Luke 19: 28 to 38; Zechariah 9:9 / Matthew 21:4-9; Mark 11:1-10; Luke 19:29-38).  How could the Prophets know this?
  5. The Messiah would die a horrible death.  The manner of death would be crucifixion.  This Capital Punishment method was only invented and used centuries later by the Romans. Psalm 22; Isaiah 53 / Matthew 27; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 19
  6. His clothing would not be ripped but a lot would be cast amongst his executioners, none of his bones would be broken and his side would be pierced.  All this foretold centuries earlier (Psalm 22:18; John 19:23-24; Psalm 34:20; John 19:32 to 36; Zachariah 12:10; John 19:34 to 37, etc).
  7. His execution would be beside others considered criminals and in his burial, a rich man would give him his own tomb (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57 to 60, etc)

There are many other prophecies about Jesus and they all happened.  Perfectly!  Visit our Link Section for some exceptional sites that develop this issue in much more detail.

In conclusion, there are many types of proofs about the Christ.  Ultimately, you still require FAITH (that 5 letter word) in Christ to enter into the appreciation of these amazing realities.

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