Philippe R. Paquette
updated: 2021-03
Future historians will record the 2020 / 2021 pandemic period as a significant event in our history. As the expression says: “That’s one for the books!” At the very least, this nasty COVID-19 will be remembered and referred to for a long time to come.
A time remembered
If you ask me (I know you didn’t, but if you did), it is evident that this awkward and painful human imbroglio is not only rare, it is also a singular space-time point in the annals of humanity. After all, we live in the most advanced technological civilization in our human juncture, and suddenly, within the shortness of a few hours, the entire world was brutally arrested in its steps.
The whole of humanity was abruptly commanded by our respective Governments to close up shop and to stop everything, literally, and to stay home. Humanity awakened to an “invisible, deadly enemy” attacking the whole planet. It’s like World War III, where we are all in combat with an invisible international overwhelming enemy. At least, that is what they led us to believe.
According to the World Bank, the human population is now over 8 billion. During COVID-19 (2019-2021), all of us, when compelled to leave our houses to supply our domestic needs, had to stand 2 meters apart from one another. Most businesses were shut down, and we were advised to cover our faces with masks! Speaking of “masks,” yesterday, we would have been arrested for covering our faces, like bank robbers. During Covid, we could get charged if we did not cover our faces. The world is upside down.

No one can deny that this was a sudden paramount moment, especially at a time when we have such a high population. This has never been seen in time and, especially, not at this level.

It took little time for investors to witness a most significant stock volume crash in recent memory. (March 2020).
Even the crematoriums no longer satisfied. Their spiritless clients are waiting in line while the living ones form a 6-foot distance invisible chain for the sole purpose of acquiring toilet paper.
History will never forget this COVID-19 season.
All of this is and will be part of a noted time in “history,” undeniably.
Suffering was everywhere, and it was impossible to predict the length of our predicament.
So, I asked myself: “What about God? What does HE have to do with it, or does He have anything to do with it? Is it His fault? After all, He claims to be our Creator. Surely “the Creator” must be aware of His “Creature’s” plight! If so, what’s He doing about it?”
The Bible (Gospel of Luke, chapter 21) explains to us why He allows these calamities. (In this article, I am pretty aware that the contextual reality of Luc 21 is primarily an impending time related to what could be an imminent future).
In simple words, God is sending us a message. We are fragile, and He invites us to consider HIM in our lives.
There is nothing else to do but to self-analyze our delicate lives and open our hearts to our Creator. That is how we can get our needed support and encouragement amidst such a disastrous period.

We can find comfort in His Word.
God is closer than we think. He is very much in control and wants to be our sensitive, loving Father who wants to hover over us as a Father does over his beloved suffering children.
Do accept God’s gift and allow Him His comfort in these painful times.
God did not send this Coronavirus 19. But God allowed it. Why?
To have our attention!

After all, we know that the highly uncontrolled and immoral atheistic humanity who manipulates technology is the culprit of this and many other disasters. If not by laboratory, then by avarice Capitalism (modifications of nature, to do all things to precipitate growth to increase profit). All this affects Dame Nature and, yes, even bats!
In God, we can still find the most excellent support in these difficult times.
Mankind has rejected God by rejecting his Son, so He does what we asked for. He leaves mankind to its own devices. That is what we want (rejection of God), and that is what we get.
His sweet offer to each one of us is tangible and accessible. Did you know that He even counts our tears? “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8).
God has revealed Himself to us using the simplest of human means to offer us accessibility (how to be close to God). He has divulged Himself to us using human words. How simple, yet so effective. Through the inspired Books. (“The Bible” means “the books”).
Those words are a collection of the most essential written treasures that exist in history. Read the Bible and think about His words. Really think about them…
“You… collect my tears in your bottle”
Psalm 56: 8

May you find blessings and encouragement through your reading and who knows, you may even find much more. Even a personal relationship with the
.Enjoy life. Eternal Life that is.