Two paths diverged

People reject Jesus as their Savior because they fear the radical transformation his teachings seem to demand – a complete upheaval of their comfortable worldviews, their pride and illusory control over their lives. The cross confronts them with an uncomfortable truth: they are broken, in need of redemption, and powerless to save themselves. Yet, only blessings await them, but they don’t realize it.

People should receive Jesus as their Savior because he offers the ultimate second chance – a complete renewal of the soul, wiping away every negative they suffer. In a world of brokenness and despair, Jesus extends an invitation to experience unconditional love, profound purpose, and a transformative power that can turn any life into a beacon of light.

To honestly know Jesus as Savior, one must read and know the Bible – for its pages pulse with divine revelation, breathing life into dormant spirits. Each verse is a key, unlocking mysteries of faith and igniting a transformative journey. Without this sacred text, the soul wanders blind; with it, eyes are opened to eternal truths that can reshape destiny and illuminate the path to salvation.

Eternal life isn’t a religious concept—it’s the most pivotal decision you’ll ever face. Every heartbeat brings you closer to an unalterable destiny: everlasting joy or endless anguish. This choice towers above all earthly concerns, rendering wealth, fame, and worldly success utterly insignificant. Your soul hangs in the balance, poised between two infinite realities. Neglect this, and you gamble with stakes higher than the universe itself. No other issue in human existence carries such monumental, irreversible consequences.

Don’t wait. Pick up or download a Bible today and start reading it. The Gospel of John would be a great place to start. You will experience peace, and you will be surprised by joy!

The alternative is to hang suspended alone in darkness with eternal regret.


With an open heart, you will find eternal hope in Christ. Read our 21 topics (divided in 7 portions) for each of the following sections. Eternal hope is offered to you: Read more on these topics. Note: We use many different Bible translations in this website. Volunteers. People with time on their hands, able to use a computer and comfortable browsing the Net: Contact us to get involved


  • Father
  • Son
  • Spirit