Exploring the Time Vortex: Understanding the Enigmatic “Gap Theory”!
Philippe Paquette
One approach used by geologists and astronomers to reconcile geologists’ and astronomers’ evolutionary ages into biblical creation accounts has been called the “gap theory,” also referred to as the “ruin-and-reconstruction theory.”
This theory proposes that Genesis 1:1 describes the initial creation of the Universe, followed by billions of years of cosmic development leading eventually to our solar system and Earth (as evidenced, they say, by fossils such as trilobites and dinosaurs).

“And the earth was without form or structure; darkness covered its surface of the deep.”
At that point, a global catastrophe occurred that eradicated life on Earth and created an enormous fossil graveyard. Genesis 1:2 describes this event aptly: “And the earth was without form or structure; darkness covered its surface of the deep.” It may have been precipitated by Satan and his angels rebelling against God.
Then comes Creation Week to recreate animals and plants destroyed during a cataclysmic event.
What Is the Purpose of Gap Theory?
The Gap Theory was devised to explain long ages necessary for evolution geologists, first popularized by Thomas Chalmers in the early 19th century and made widely accepted by fundamentalists through The Scofield Study Bible.
Many teachers who once subscribed to the gap theory have now abandoned it in favour of creationism.
Scofield Bible notes for Genesis I provide the following information:
The first act refers to the dateless past and gives scope for all the geologic ages… The face of the earth bears everywhere the marks of such a catastrophe. There are not wanting intimations which connect it with previous testing and fall of angels… Relegate fossils to primitive creation, and no conflict of science with the Genesis cosmogony remains.
Ya, but conflicts do remain! Few professional geologists or astronomers support this theory; it has also been promoted by Bible teachers who wish to sidestep dealing with ancient history.
Many teachers who once subscribed to the gap theory have now abandoned it in favour of creationism. Many had strong religious convictions when they initially supported this theory, yet upon realizing its inaccuracies and scientific shortcomings they decided it should go.
Are There Any Scientific Supports Behind the Gap Theory?
Geologists generally reject the gap hypothesis because it contradicts their assumption of continuity throughout history. Such an event would require new plants, animals, and humans to arise after all life was eradicated from Earth by some catastrophic event.
Cataclysmic events of this size would likely also obliterate all fossilized sedimentary deposits and disintegrate them, effectively wiping out any record of past geological ages. Gap theory relies upon such catastrophic events for its success – otherwise, it would make no sense.
Does It Have A Theological Foundation?
The gap theory lacks any theological basis. God in his creation was all-powerful, all-knowing, and full of mercy, grace, and love – an all-embracing deity who desired to share His love with humans. The speculation that God would subject Himself to wait billions of years to attain His objective is ludicrous at best.
Why would God leave out any mention of billions of years prior to Genesis 1:2 where animals suffered and died before Adam?
Also, fossils exist buried deep within sedimentary rocks, telling a powerful tale about death – even violent deaths. We must preserve dead animals quickly to preserve fossil records quickly. Today there are thousands of preserved fish fossils scattered all around Earth that bear witness to this truth. On every continent are dinosaur fossils and marine invertebrate beds which testify to an abrupt burial and death rather than the slow, billion-year process that geology predicts. If the gap theory were true, God would have orchestrated an ecosystem of death and suffering prior to human civilization becoming dominant.
Does the Gap Theory line up with Biblical Scriptures or not?
After thousands of years of Jewish or Christian interpretation, most Bible Scholars began trying to fit millions of years into Genesis after evolutionism became the dominant scientific philosophy – this could not have come from Scripture alone! The gap theory could not have been determined either.

However, if this gap theory was supported by scripture, it might be worth including in our theology. Unfortunately for them though, the Bible doesn’t support this view! Why would God leave out any mention of billions of years prior to Genesis 1:2 where animals suffered and died before Adam?
To quote Dr. Henry Morris: “And why would God send such a devastating cataclysm at all? Satan’s fall did not occur until after the creation week of Genesis 1, for at that time God had pronounced the whole creation “very good” (Genesis 1: 31). At present, however, “the whole creation groaned and travailed in pain together” (Romans 8:22) because of the great curse pronounced by God on man’s dominion (Genesis 3:17-19), because of sin.”
The global Flood of Noah’s time provides the only plausible explanation for fossil graveyards on Earth’s surface. Genesis 6-9 details it extensively; many passages allude directly to it as evidence for its happening and may provide the best explanation of vast fossil graveyards on its surface.
Genesis 1:2. “The earth was without form and void.”
Consequently, God formed the earth and filled it.
Also, read Isaiah 45:18 “For this is what the LORD says, He who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it as a waste place but formed it to be inhabited): “I am the LORD, and there is no one else.”
God did not create this incomprehensible spectacle of death and destruction. Death did not exist prior to sin entering the world (Romans 5, 12, 1 Corinthians 15, 21 etc.), as its wages are death (see Romans 5, 12, 1 Corinthians 15, 21, etc.). Jesus Christ died for our redemption – He is “the propitiation for all sins, including ours and all mankind” (John 2:2).
God’s creation formed the earth and inhabited it.
“But if “death reigned” not “from Adam to Moses,” as the Bible says (Romans 5:14), but had already reigned for billions of years before Adam, then death is not the wages of sin but instead was part of God’s creative purpose. How then could the death of Christ put away sin? The gap theory thus undermines the very gospel of our salvation, as well as the holy character of God.” (*)
Genesis 1 and 2 go together. In verse two of Genesis 1, God described His creation as being without form or void – that is, without structure and inhabitants – He produced a majestic universe containing plants and animals under human authority and declared its completion (Gen 2:1).
So how are we to interpret Genesis 1: 1-3?
Hebrew experts agree on one point about Genesis 1:1-3 – no gaps exist. God’s creation formed the earth and inhabited it.
Genesis 1:2. Again, “Hebrew experts agree that the grammar of Genesis 1:1–3 does not allow for a gap. Notably, the Hebrew word rendered at the beginning of verse 2 has a very specific meaning in this context. It introduces a parenthetical statement that breaks the sequence of events in verses 1 and 3.” (*2)
The gap theory is an erroneous doctrine based on forced Biblical interpretation influenced by the theory of evolution and Darwinism and leads to distorted theology. Not scientifically sound and emphasizing disobedience to God’s revelation, this viewpoint cannot be taken seriously either scientifically or biblically.
(*) This article is widely based on
Why the Gap Theory Won’t Work
by Dr. Henry Morris,
Founder and President Emeritus of ICR.
(*2) Closing the Gap
by Paul F. Taylor
Answers Magazine