Gatherings, little by little, by
The House of the Father
Our Eternal Individuality.
Let us talk about the House of the Father and the fact that we will not lose our “individuality” in Eternity.
“1. Do not let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
2. In My Father’s house are many abodes; if it were not so, I would have told you;
for I go to prepare a place for you.
3. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself,
that where I am, there you may be also.”
John 14: 1-3.

Are we allowed to have “favorite” verses of the Bible? Why not!
These are some of mine.
Let me tell you why.
These three verses are most revealing and incredibly uplifting if one grasps well the words of our Lord.
Here are two thoughts to ponder.
1) Jesus speaks of the Father’s house to his disciples. This promise has never been made to any other saints before the period of the “Spouse of Christ” nor after. Remember that the Church (all true believers) form the Spouse of Christ.
We can therefore conclude the following:

Christians of this period, of this dispensation, will have a most unique place with Christ (He is the Bridegroom and we, Christians, are the Bride) in the Father’s very own dwelling.
We are speaking here of a “spiritual state” more than a “place”, and not one made with bricks and mortar… but there is no doubt that this promise is one to comfort our hearts and souls. We are promissed a very special place outside creation. In fact, we are promissed a place that has no end but that has no beginning either. The dwelling place of the Divine.
That is awesomme!
You can anticipate this intimacy with Christ and with the Father throughout all of Eternity… Bliss.
2) Speaking to his beloved disciples, notice that the Lord adds that in the Father’s house, there are “many abodes”.
There are many “abodes” in this House. Enough for each one of us. That is indicated within the context of the text in John 14.
Young’s Literal Translation calls this word “Mansions” (in the plural) as does the KJV. The NIV speaks of the “many rooms” (again in plural but imprecise) and the NASB speaks of “many dwelling places”, plural again. JN Darby calls these places “abodes“. This latter word, in my humble opinion, is the best choice from the greek text.
But what does it all that mean?

Allow me to suggest that not only are we to be promised an Eternity with the greatest unique close relationship with our Lord and our Father but this verse…
For those who feel that they are not worthy of such blessing (euphoria), allow me to remind you of these words: “there are many abodes…”. Abodes for each one of us.
Our Eternal individuality is also seen in Revelation 21:7
“I will be to him (us) God, and he shall be to me son”.
Revelation 21:7
The above verse speaks about the Christians. (See context).
What a blessed Christ we have!
Let us be “vessels of honor” to serve HIM while we are down here. (2 Tim. 2: 21).
Be blessed all.