Revelation 3:14: “And to the angel of the assembly in Laodicea write: These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God”. It is of interest that in Revelation chapter 3 verse 14, Jesus addresses the assembled Christians then existing in a city called Laodicea (see pictures below) and presents himself as “the Beginning of the Creation of God”. The word “Laodicea” means “the people’s rights”. This was the
last “church” to which Christ speaks of in the Bible. Many current Biblicists suggest that it represents the last phase of the history of the “Church” on earth that precedes Christ’s return. It speaks of a time when “people’s rights” are first and foremost and God’s rights are simply trampled upon.We live in a time where much of the Christian belief is under attack. The very tenets of “Faith”, Creation and even the historical existence of the Person of Jesus!
Still, Christ presents Himself as “the Beginning (Originator) of the Creation of God”. Indeed, HE “brings us” ALL THE WAY BACK to the beginning of time and the created World thus emphasizing the basic concept of Divine Creation.
We are NOT the fruit of an “accident”. No! We are the fruit of God’s “Workmanship” (In French, the word is “Chef d’oeuvre” (masterpiece) (Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 2.)