a. Chapter 3:7 – “… Ye lived in them [sinful acts]…” That is Romans.
b. Chapter 2:13 – “… Being dead in your sins…” That is Ephesians.
Thus, Colossians comes between Romans and Ephesians taking BOTH perspectives into consideration. _______________________ TWO – Romans, redemption meets the whole case I am in. – Ephesians is the answer to the counsels and purposes of God. – In Colossians BOTH are found and as “between the two” (i.e. Romans and Ephesians), you have not the full consequences of Ephesians, but you have more than in Romans… In Colossians you are “raised with Christ”. _______________________ THREE “If you are DEAD with Christ”, we have that in Romans (6:5-8). In Colossians (3:1), we have “you are RAISED with Christ”, but… we do not go to “sit in heavenly places”. That is in Ephesians (2:6). Consequently, in Colossians since I am not shown as sitting in heaven, I am to seek the things that are above… Heavenly things are now our hope (1:5) __________________________________ ALLOW ME TO SUMMARIZE: Romans – We are quite ALIVE in sins, requiring JUSTIFICATION Colossians – We are DEAD with Christ and RISEN with Him. We are thus exhorted to think on things above (Colossians 3:1-3) Ephesians – We are DEAD in trespasses and sin; we require QUICKENING. We are also RISEN with Christ and SEATED in the heavenly realms with Him and in Him (Ephesians 2:5-7) DEAD, RISEN and SEATED with Christ in the Heavenlies! _______________________ God made us alive with Christ even when we were DEAD in transgressions — it is by grace you have been saved. And God RAISED US UP with Christ and SEATED US with Him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages He might show the incomparable riches of His grace, expressed in His kindness to us in Christ Jesus.” – Ephesians 2:5-7
Thanks for publishing / posting…
God bless!
You are welcome dear André J. Lebrun. You will always be more that welcome to publish here. I know your ministry and it remains one of the most powerful spiritual teaching ministry that I have ever heard. So don’t hesitate. Send me your fine work anytime.
In HIM, your brother,
Philippe Paquette
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