Iam as much to blame as you.
No rocks to throw living in comfortable glass house too. My children are wandering slowly from the truth No understanding received, God’s wisdom still stays aloof In neglect and anger they have stopped their feet No longer following narrow path desiring worlds wider street Turning around to assemble no more. Wandering on outskirts of camp ever nearer to worldly lure Their understanding shallow at best we now do see Having no understanding to mix with truth to stay and believe They came through early years at the persuasion of the family head Now of age come no more but by their own minds will be lead
Their parting words should bring us to our knees
We still do not understand, what you have preached all these years Teachers that have failed to teach would be let go if in earthly sphere Disciplined at least to bring correction very close and near  Though seemingly gifted teachers have liberally spoken forth Sometimes more than the Spirit did really prompt of course But the great denial and deadly assumption is now so evident And the cure maybe at least for some be to late
Teachers and elders their own houses do not teach or lead So why are they self appointed when they should step down and concede The great assumption is blatant to see now that the fruits have matured Our children have by the world been easily lured No spiritual foundation built no understanding laid to stop the fall Without foundation, no roof, no supporting wall In the world our complacency would be seen as abuse Taking great liberties and assumptions with God’s blood wrought truth Distracted by the world we have been blinded to their shallow state Bring a boy or girl to church a christian we surely must by osmosis create But the resounding answer to this is NO We must be willing to teach at home as well to see them truly mature and grow
No teaching relevant to them it seems Though spiritual eagles still soar on manmade wings No one to explain Gods plan without and fully within To take the time to stoop, to disciple, to nurture, to pray through deep rooted sin Then we wonder why no lasting maturity have we to show Why our numbers continue to fall not to grow Meanwhile our children continue to leave our sides The question asked who really cares Cares enough to pray, to intercede and seek His face To receive His direction power and grace To repent of such tragic neglect and abuse To desire to stand in the breach for our children and our youth
So if your heart like mine is moved by His love to really start to see and care
With faith and hope and to seek His throne of grace in prayer To call on Him to turn the children back to their Father’s side Where neglect and hurt now manifest may His love again reside To raise up teachers that can truly care and relate In Gods eyes and plans it is never, never too late.
DPL  May 22, 2012 (used by permission and with appreciation)

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